• Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

In the therapeutic schedule, Th1/Th17 induced response (as evidenced in our experiments by increased IFN and IL-17 secretion in eHC+LGG group) may rather counteract the on-going Th2 immune response, as observed in clinical trials (3, 8, 9)


Jan 24, 2025

In the therapeutic schedule, Th1/Th17 induced response (as evidenced in our experiments by increased IFN and IL-17 secretion in eHC+LGG group) may rather counteract the on-going Th2 immune response, as observed in clinical trials (3, 8, 9). oral food challenge (OFC) with CMP. Th/Treg cell frequencies in gut-associated lymphoid cells and spleen were analyzed by circulation cytometry at the end of the protocol. Robust statistical process combining non-supervised and NFIL3 supervised multivariate analyses and univariate analyses, was carried out to reveal any effect of the pretreatments. Results PBS pretreated mice were efficiently sensitized and shown elicitation of allergic reaction after OFC, whereas mice pretreated with MPI were durably safeguarded from allergy to CMP. eHC+/-LGG pretreatments experienced no protective effect on sensitization to casein (specific) or BLG (non-specific), nor on CMP-induced allergic reactions. Surprisingly, eHC+LGG mice shown significantly enhanced humoral and cellular immune reactions after sensitization with CMP. Only some Encequidar mesylate delicate changes were evidenced by circulation cytometry. Summary Neither specific nor nonspecific preventive effects of administration of casein-derived peptides within the development of CMP food allergy were evidenced in our experimental setup. Further studies should be carried out to delineate the mechanisms involved in the immunostimulatory potential Encequidar mesylate of LGG and to clarify its significance in medical use. Keywords: food allergy, prevention, hydrolyzed formulas, probiotic, cows milk, mouse model Intro Type of feeding in early existence may determine the propensity to develop a food allergy later on in life. One of the main food allergies in infancy is definitely a cows milk proteins (CMP) allergy, which affects 0.5 to 3% of children in the first year of existence (1). It may be severe, prolonged and have lifelong implications for health (1, 2). In most sensitive children, CMP allergies can be handled using formula based on considerable hydrolysates from whey (eHW) or from caseins (eHC). Those hydrolysates consist of CMP-derived small peptides with no more IgE-binding epitopes, therefore avoiding any elicitation of an allergic reaction in allergic babies. In medical use, eHC method allowed for a higher rate of tolerance acquisition to CMP compared to soya or amino acids method (3). This effect may result from the fact that eHC still consists of a large proportion of small peptides derived from caseins that may act as tolerogenic specific T-cell epitopes, or that may display non-specific immunoregulatory properties. Actually, some peptides derived from caseins possess different biological effects, such as anti-inflammatory properties (4), healing of intestinal damages, at least (5), and anti-microbial and Encequidar mesylate immunoregulatory effects [review in (6) and (7)]. Moreover, supplementation of eHC with the probiotic GG (LGG) significantly improved the observed tolerance in medical center (3, 8) and limited additional sensitive manifestations for up to 3 years when compared to eHC only (9). The non-specific additional effect of LGG may result Encequidar mesylate from numerous mechanisms, either direct (e.g., immunoregulation) or indirect (e.g., changes of microbiota composition and function, both important for intestinal barrier integrity) (10). On the other side, the use of infant formula based on CMP hydrolysates like a diet for allergy main prevention is definitely a matter of high interest and argument. In the absence of breastfeeding, the use of partial or considerable hydrolysates of CMP was indicated in at-risk babies to Encequidar mesylate prevent sensitive sensitization to CMP and to limit the start of the atopic march. With this selected human population, administration in the 1st 4 weeks of existence of eHC.